Wednesday, April 11, 2018

"All that's Left"

As species go we're up there with that bunch of algae which transformed the bio-sphere. This by many millions of years ago exceeding oxygen into the atmosphere. The result being the smelly lot roaming the planet today.

We changed a few things too. However unlike the algae our changes hold extinction for us. While in a mind of pondering the end of things. This republic for example. I wonder too of our specie's end, and what traces we'll leave behind.

As for who will be digging up, and cataloguing our crap who knows. However if folks do. If a future sentient bunch of folks or some space guys just passing through.
Whoever will get a bagful of trash, and gee-gaws to wonder about.

Above a 60 million year old 45 rpm record a comb a crushed can, and some Legos. They'll find tons of vinyl records,  and Legos. The cans though aluminum will oxidize after a few millions of years. Still they'll find enough traces of that, and other metals to know that someone was stupid enough to have an industrial revolution.

However plastic combs, and Legos are eternal.

The last item is a 60,000,000 million year old car air freshener.
What the fuck will the make of this?
The researcher's report would be amusing.

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