Sunday, April 1, 2018

"London Calling!"

I'm not sure what this means. Perhaps in the context of the fall of the West it may make some sense. London has for the first time since records have been kept out paced New York City in it's Murder rate.

It's increased 47% in the last year. Excluding terror attacks. NYC's murder rate has gone down 87% since the wild west 1990's.
During the Crack Wars the number of killed in NYC was around that of the first years of the Vietnam War. 3000+ were killed, and an unknown number wounded in 1993.

I remember this era well. I was a radio engineer at the time, and went off duty around dawn. I'd stay at the station till rush hour was well running. I never tried going out while it was still dark. It was not really unusual to happen on a wounded victim or even a corpse in those days. This sounds outrageous today, but that's just how it was then.

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