Sunday, April 15, 2018

"Negro Crime School"

As is generally known in law enforcement circles. All as in 'all' Black males from 6 to 90 are dangerous criminals with super human powers. We also have backing from "Godzilla".
This is why we must be arrested or preferably shot on sight.

Unfortunately for me I was absent the day these powers were handed out at Negro Crime School when I was six.

This compounded by an administrative oversight. I was never given remedial courses in criminal super powers to make up for the missed investiture.

In short I'm just a guy.

Which is why I can't disappear or fly away at hypersonic speeds when confronted by law enforcement officials while walking breathing or reading library books while Black.

Given these deadly difficulties in being Black or at least un-white in this country. I applied to be Chinese. What with my Grandma being with that lot. Sure I'd still get fucked over but at least not shot,... as much.

This might have worked in Canada or Iceland.

However I got a form letter from the "Federal Board of White Guys" saying my "Nigger status" was "unchangeable". That, and I should "quit being a crybaby, and get with the program".

This being so I'm now taking night courses at Brooklyn College on appearing to be a stoned crazed mugger while asleep in my bed standing in a suspicious manner while on line for stamps at the post office. That, and making a set of keys a loaf of bread an ice cream cone, and or my thumb appear to be a gun.

My back up plan is to be a real criminal.


Anonymous said...

Clearly Godzilla is letting you down. Maybe there’s a special invocation ritual you were supposed to learn so he would come to your aid while committing the crimes someone forgot to teach you. He probably eats cops for a light apéritif, sort of like an after dinner mint.


Anonymous said...

Read this article by Paul Craig Roberts:

uncle1950uncle said...

Odd though.

Most of the "Crimes" they're teaching me at Brooklyn College Remedial Negro Crime School are rather odd.

...Walking sitting on park benches buying coffee standing at your own front door obeying the orders of armed police men, and mailing letters, and such.

They say if these are done correctly I'll be shot dead.

I'm not seeing the upside here.