Saturday, April 14, 2018

" hat"

I think only the Japanese could make Manhole Covers into art. Well we might if we had a federal Department of Arts. ...I mean one that meant it, and was insulated from assault by either party.
If I were Emperor of Merika. I'd wear a cool hat, and a cape.
Besides making sure all had meaningful work nice homes food neat stuff health care education access to betterment. I'd start of the "Department of the Arts". Eventually it would be the most useful, and popular branch of the government.
Among other things it would transform our giant nuclear aircraft carriers. These would become traveling international universities. For example the USS Gerald Ford the newest, and largest would be the Gerald Ford University of Oceanographic Sciences.
The USS Truman would become the Harry Truman University of the Humanities.
These, and the rest of the fleet with their international student bodies, and faculties would travel the world. Leaning teaching, and contributing to the world community. The flight decks would be forested.


Anonymous said...

Wow. The centerpiece looks like an Egyptian hieroglyphic cartouche.

I could see the French doing something of the sort, in their own style - maybe neoclassical.

I was on board an aircraft carrier a couple of weeks ago. You’ve seen it on TV - the one that picked up the astronauts after the first moon landing. Very serious engineering on board that ship; huge turbines. But it’s old - WWII vintage; just a floating museum now.


Padraig said...

They will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will not take up sword against nation, nor will they train for war anymore.

It is to be hoped for, but I'll refrain from holding my breath.

uncle1950uncle said...

As for foresting the flight decks. This will take some ingenuity as the ships will travel to all climates all extremes. An interesting botanical engineering project in it self.

Peace would be so much fun.