Saturday, April 14, 2018


With the New Old War re-stared I'm not in a mind for the beach. Maybe next week. I'll take snaps, and post them.
Ain't we something ain't this some shit. It won't stop the suffering of anyone in the region either. Shit will just keep going till everyone is dead.

My reaction is to sleep, and watch old movies.

Btw a while back one of my fans out there chewed me out for building scale models, and taking composed images of my toy soldiers as proof of my evil. To that what can I say. I was speaking hand ball he was speaking checkers.

I really do it that is speak in hand ball as meditations on what I know of the  simple complexities of mass murder which is what war is.

Toys models so simple yet so exact...the better ones anyway.
I've never been in the Army or in official wars. Though I was caught in three large race riots as a teen, and a twenty something. A week ago I could have easily been killed by police for walking while black.

As a child was badly beaten potentially killed on three occasions by gangs of white kids. I mention all this to say I'm a veteran, and know what I'm on about.

I have at least a 'notion' of what sudden pointless death is. Which is to say war.  I threw Dinos in for effect. They just scan so well.

So no these shamanistic compositions of little wars. That is my images are not in praise spilled blood, but in confused horror/wonderment at it. I always thought that was clear.

Hand ball, and checkers.

Be back sometime later.


Anonymous said...

Hey Sidney... you are one cool dude!
Hang in there buddy.

uncle1950uncle said...

All we have are each other,...we in this together.