Saturday, April 28, 2018

"...I'm fine with it""

In an effort to cheer myself up I'm writing a story. All about G-ds, and Muses. Just a little nice thing about the end of the world. I had the idea when I was in hospital for smoke inhalation,...this time. Next time who knows.

Anyway in hospitals as I saw ends of worlds are common. Well individual personal worlds. People just don't want to die at home anymore. There's a dissertation or standup routine in this somewhere. That, and zillions expect an afterlife.

Gold fish ladybugs sweaty annoying humans die. If there's an "afterlife" it's in those few moments to a few hours that your bio-electrical field takes to dissipate.

The end.

Amazing how hard this is take. Granted there may be Quantum Hyper-Beings that are immortal. Call'em gawds if ya wants, but we ain't them.

We die.

Just having gawds around don't automatically mean we live forever too. Oak trees live thousands of years. That don't mean we will too.

We invented religion to save us from Dying. These which ironically gave us so much death through the ages. Folks built giant bleeping pyramids, and today mega-churches they're so afraid of it.

I've faced death many times in my day. Twice in the last month. I ain't a fan of gruesome suffering. However not death it seems.
I keep forgetting to be terrified.
Upset later, but never at the moment.
Maybe because death comes, and goes in a tiny fraction of a second.

Well our awareness does.

Boffins think we stay "alive" in a way till our bio-electrical field drifts away. Ya know like the smoke from a candle. This being the case make shit count.

On the other hand. If I wake up in some sort of paradise wonderland behind the wheel of a sky blue 1957 Corvette with my childhood dog "Brownie" next to me. I'll be fine with it.

Thanks I'll be here all weekend, and my Cd's, and t-shirts are in the back. Tell ya friends.

Btw,...Hot Pink would be okay too.


Anonymous said...

Sidney, are you free Monday 2PM for food and company? Come on over if so. XO, P&RP

uncle1950uncle said...

Well I was going to shoot up, and play Monopoly with the Pope, and Bob the Bunny.

'But yes that sounds swell. 'Was going to call you guys as it happens.

Loves ya.

Hope you're Better.

Heard on the show you were ill for a bit. Please be well take care.

Anonymous said...

Great! See youse tomorrow! XO P&RP

Anonymous said...

I’ll take the sky blue one. It’s real. And I wanna drive in it on Route 66 to Vegas, like Dino.