Saturday, April 21, 2018

"They did it Again"

bout that remake of "Lost in Space". I will say it's better than raw root canal in hell. That, and I have so far not seen any talking carrots.

However like the old one it does have bug eyed monsters gunfights chases a lot of yelling explosions, and an open ended story arch that could, but will not last for years. Also somehow the Robinsons now have a black kid. How? Who knows they probably bought her.

It's predictable annoying, and stupid. Everything is end of the world living in the ruins demons robots zombies warlords, and high taxes.
TV movies comics online crap tell the same damned story.

Did I mention there were no talking carrots this time, far.

If I wrote the damned thing I'd have them crash on a fucking planet run by cool people with a sense of bizarre, and ironic humor.
They'd basically fuck with, and or try to civilize the Robinsons. Whom they'd see has homicidal slaver barbarians.

After Captain White Guy tried to claim their planet for Jebus, and Facebook. The Natives shoved his ray gun up his butt till he cheered up. They'd also tell Judy Penny, and Mom they were no longer his slaves. Not even the series contractual obligation black kid.

Also I'd work in the Temple of the Holy Boy somewhere.
Maybe have Will, and his robot find it.
It'd make for an interesting ongoing side story. I'll make him some sort of Angel or gawd or whatever.

Mean time the locals are having fun with the predatory male dominated crew of the "Jupiter Two". This after their primitive rat trap landed on their nice clean non-murderous planet. Ya know I might toss in them yacking carrots after all.

...just to fuck with them.


Anonymous said...

Nice cover painting. Cool mountains. The lighting’s beautifully handled. However it looks like Will is being hypnotized by a walking TV or computer monitor, same as all the kids on Earth.

Pop culture’s played out. We need to get a new paradigm, but we won’t. Clearly we need to get a bunch Euro perverts, or maybe some Argentinians, to do a version with your cool Temple of the Holy Boy. There would be riots, protests, a succès de scandal. That’s the way to breathe new life into cinema.


uncle1950uncle said...

There were riots in Opera Halls when folks tried new stuff. Time for some smashed opera glasses once more I think.