Tuesday, April 10, 2018


This a few blocks from my home, and a day or two
before my encounter with the Military Police.
I've read it suggested that all Black Families get this banner.

That, and keep it handy if something happens to them.

Cop shootings of unarmed Blacks have less theater than the Negro lynching's of the 20th century.
These which had a boisterous holiday fairground atmosphere.
However Cops are faster more efficient.



Padraig said...

Military police?

Are we talking New York's Finest outfitted in battle dress uniforms or are we talking about the New York National Guard?

uncle1950uncle said...

Our militarized local police.

Anonymous said...

"The history of the legal order and the bourgeois class brainwashes us with an image of gradual and stable progress of humanity within which violence stands as a sorry exception stemming from the economically, emotionally and culturally underdeveloped. Yet all of us who have been crushed between school desks, behind offices, in factories, know only too well that history is nothing but a succession of bestial acts installed upon a morbid system of rules. The cardinals of normality weep for the law that was violated from the bullet of the pig Korkoneas (the killer cop). But who doesn’t know that the force of the law is merely the force of the powerful? That it is law itself that allows for violence to be exercised on violence? The law is void from end to bitter end; it contains no meaning, no target other than the coded power of imposition." -- Initiative from the occupation of the Athens School of Economics and Business

Anonymous said...

I know you have great faith in "reason" Sidney.
Heed this:
"The web of domination has become the web of Reason itself, and this society is fatally entangled in it." -Herbert Marcuse

Anonymous said...

And NEVER forget this:

"Whatever the State says is a lie; whatever it has is a theft: all is counterfeit in it, the gnawing, sanguinary, insatiate monster."
~ Friedrich Nietzsche

Anonymous said...

Kern County, California has the highest rate of killings by cops in the United States, and now we can see why. A just-released video from 2006 shows the county's current sheriff, Donny Youngblood (I kid you not), saying that it is "better financially" to kill people rather than simply injure them.

“You know what happens when a guy makes a bad shooting on somebody and kills them? Three million bucks and the family goes away after a long back and forth,” Youngblood says. "Which way do you think is better financially – to cripple them or kill them – for the county?"

A man offscreen answers, "Kill them."

To which Youngblood responds, “Absolutely. Because if they’re crippled we get to take care of them for life. And that cost goes way up.”


uncle1950uncle said...

What is there what are we without Reason.

Yes I already know, but had to say it.