Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Such Strange Days.


Anonymous said...

"These strange days" are the natural outcome of reason. Reason will lead us even further into hells that are now unimaginable.

Heed Guattari:
"People believe that if you abandon the discourse of reason, you fall into the black night of passions, of murder, and the dissolution of all social life. But I think the discourse of reason IS the pathology, the morbid discourse par excellence. Simply look at what happens in the world, because it is the discourse of reason that is in power everywhere." - Félix Guattari, Chaosophy

Or you can take your cue from Shakespeare:
"Love hath reason, reason none"

uncle1950uncle said...

You have a point.

However other than unrestrained passion what is the alternative to "Reason".

Madness is not an answer,...been there.

Well of course there's our old comrade Hakim Bey's solution of Temporary Autonomous Zones.
These perhaps made more long lasting.

Still having been in intentional open communities. I found that dominate personalities dominate. More than a few hopeful situations died on that altar.

My natural reaction,...what else can I call t. My solution of a personal Hermitage. Being a so far partial shut-in. This has some points to it. However it's not a workable solution to the demented equation of human existence.

So other than watching the species devolve into extinction. I really don't know what to do or even if I should bother. ...well bother anymore.

We all die.

I may leave behind memories from decades of broadcast a handful of unusual books of Angel drawings. That, and confused annoyed family, and friends.

The Peaceable Kingdom though we can imagine it is not possible for us. Oh perhaps if we had another 100k years of social evolution maybe something close, but as we know we have no such time.

In fact in just a few thousand years we're a minor species living on top of ruins eating each other. I'm being optimistic with the time frame.

Anonymous said...

One thinker I know argues that we’re at the decrepitating tail end of what he calls an age of abstraction: the salient characteristic of which, according to him, is that people imagine that truth on all things can be defined by broad generalized abstractions - scientific laws, statistics, and so on. But at this point in the historical cycle, that no longer works; it conflicts with reality as experienced by most people. It only works, sort of, for those in control, the elites; and eventually it will fail even for them and they’ll get their throats cut.


uncle1950uncle said...


That's the tradition of these sort of things.

I've seen a few videos from members of the 1% warning their pals of exactly this. Warning their class that what they're doing is 'not' sustainable, and that the pitch forks 'are' coming.

These cautionary vids from the equivalent of the wealthy that reluctantly backed FDR's reforms.

Self interest.

Back then the likelihood of a fascist or communist revolt was real,...we forget that but it was. So they bought us off with watered down social democratic reforms. These actually worked well. Too well. Which is why it was undone about 30 years later by that same 1%.

They didn't like the idea of the unwashed not only getting washed, but sending their kids to some of the same universities they went to.

You can imagine the outrage at the club over drinks about that.

"My son tells me there are Negros, and white trash in his dorm. Not scrubbing the floors mind you,...students actual students. We might as well be in Moscow!"

That about sums it up. ...or part of it.

The view of reality from experience rather than statistics is the source of all western revolutions. How ours will form, and happen is still not certain.

A mixed bag being Americans.

Witness the pink Slip states installing Trump,...who betrayed them big time. That, and the coming tsunami of Blue that may wash him away...well part of him.
So a revolt as a mish-mash of fundamentalism social progressivism (proto-luddite, I may be in the crowd), and conservative Jeffersonianism.

This will make July 4th post revolutionary bar-b-q's interesting.

What with folks wearing Confederate flag t-shirts chowing down with guys in Malcom X hats three piece suit gentleman farmer Jeffersonians Eco-nuts Neo-Hippies, and the Big guy did it all in seven days Evangelical Nuns.
Some Neo-Stonewall radical Queers will be at the Veggie table.
The Lesbian separatists are in another part of the park stewing in the traditional rage.

Anyhow they'll all have jobs building solar panels windmills, and other rational junk we need besides rebuilding the whole damned infrastructure.

I see exactly this. It's the American way.

On the other hand it could just as well be the "Handmaidens Tale" with Ovens.
...a bit likely now that I really think of it.

In any case we're in for a hell of a show.

This as the reality you point out triggers the revolutions, and or genocides across this tattered republic. I've love to read a book about all this by perhaps a Chinese Indian or South African scholar. This written maybe 120 or so years from now.

"The Center did not Hold"


"The Light that failed"

Perhaps more hopeful...

"Snatched from the Flames"

I tell ya you can't make this shit up folks!

uncle1950uncle said...

I'm really hoping for "Snatched from the Flames ~ The American Revolutions 1776, and 2036.