Thursday, April 5, 2018

"Long Winded Post",...take breaks.

"It's the End of the World",...again.
The World has ended any number of times in it's history. I guess the biggest blow,...that we know of, was when the Earth was hit by a Mars sized planet a zillion years ago. We've been having a Helluva time ever since.

Most recently about 70,000 years ago there was a planetary volcanic decade that wiped out most of the surface life on this hapless planet. The lack of sunlight, and the toxic air reduced Humanity of the time to perhaps 500 individuals.
You heard right....Five Hundred individuals was fucking it.

Okay some think maybe around a 1000 or a little more,... but fucking still! I've recently read where some smarty pants think we were down to just those 500+ or so women able to bear children. This is very likely where the "Adam, and Eve" myth came from. Btw tell your racist cousin, of whatever color,...we all have racist cousins or uncles. Tell them jerks that this means we're 'all' first cousins.

(As for where the "Free Lunch" myth originated...well research continues.)

I bring all this jolly stuff up just to point out we're been through a lot, and still have managed to be around. We're sort of the roaches of mammals. There's no getting rid of us.

Which brings us to the main topic of our little visit today. Basically the recent "Re-Medievalization" of world affairs.

Though we mostly live in an interconnected complex Civilization. There are huge swaths of this warming planet that have been enjoying the benefits of having their heads hacked off.

...and hacked off for rather trivial reasons.

"Trivial" to us in the First, and Second worlds. Eh the dear old U. S. of A. being a new member of that Second World tribe. Still we have pizza cable, and loads of Hydrogen Bombs we can 'never' use...and everyone 'knows' we can never use them. So they might as well be ice cream cones sitting in the summer sun for all their usefulness.

'But I digress.

The People in the cage are Women, and Children waiting to be burned alive. Their crimes are varied though mostly religious, and tribal. They're Coptic Christians traditional Muslims girls, and woman that can read that sort of thing.

Identical scenes were common in Medieval Europe albeit with a slightly different cast.

However the above is happening in the highly complex world I mention. We're a species that have so far sent two count'em "Two" ships deliberately out to the Stars...the Voyagers. Google them.

Our science is almost magical. We've walked on the Moon we have robots driving around Mars. That, and millions of both stupid, and useless apps for our assorted devices we plug into ourselves.

It seems we're many things at once. Yes were Starfarers, but in the Amazon rain forests we're still fucking cave men. Them boners are sill working their pre-lithic greasy way up to Hunter Gatherers.
In Africa, and the middle, and far east we're ruled by feudal Medieval Warlords of varying degrees of sanity.

All this while you, and I hide behind our very locked doors in fear of post-industrial barbarians.

Not the 21st Century I was banking on. 

The 1% of the !% is doing swell, and will from now on. The rest of us we got stuck somewhere in the late 70's early 1980's or so. This when income stagnated, and the American Middle Class,...the largest, and coolest in all history was slowly, and we now know very deliberately strangled to death.

I dunno maybe India or China will take the crown for the largest though not likely ever the coolest Middle Class.

Anyway this is where we are now.
Yeah yeah some smarty pants social scientist could do a better job. However I got to the point. We're fucked,...and that's that.

Social stagnation a dead economy for most chopped off heads everywhere stupid crap on TV the 'net shitting out evil, and superstitions the collapse of public education stupid wars the climate turned decidedly against us...yeah pretty bad.

However there could be a somewhat happy ending.

We're roaches remember we survive anything. So odds are we'll survive this screwed up era like all the others. There is as unlikely as it would seem,...HOPE.

Still I really wanted that mythical 21st Century our folks promised us, and which we totally fucked up.

Btw, a late Good Passover, and Happy Easter. 

We some of us believe in a Future no matter what. For mammals we have a really good though seriously weird sense of humor. That, and we tend to survive the worse crap anybody cares to throw at us. ...including as I said whole planets, and we're still here.
So there.


Anonymous said...

One of your best articles Sidney!
There was a BBC documentary years ago which explained the work of DNA scientists working around the world and they were able to determine that everyone alive is connected to those 500 to 2000 humans who survived some kind of disaster about 70,000 years ago, and they were all from one village in Africa. The BBC crew went to that village, which still exists, and as the camera panned through the people you could recognize characteristics of everyone you ever saw or knew! I was flabbergasted by this.
They also explained that from that African village, over time, there were four migrations that spread out to repopulate the rest of the world.
So, dear friends, let me tell you this, DNA science proves that we are all descendants of Africans. Put that in your pipe and smoke it!

Peter said...

Ja.. this is correct DNA analysis of our human ancestry.
I wunder what Trump is going to say when he finds out that he is really N-gg-r?
Will he deport himself?
American Indians are only TRUE Americans either in North or South America! They are one of the four great migrations out of that village in Africa from 70,000 years ago. Everybody else is immigrant and should be deported according to what Trump thinks should be done.
Maybe Trump's orange skin was caused by his trying to bleach himself white? Actually to call him "N-gg-r" is too kind for him. We must invent new word for his kind.

Anonymous said...

Yep, this is a realistic assessment of what hope there is.


uncle1950uncle said...

Still I like to be a bit optimistic.

I mean I could be re-enslaved to build the Great American Wall around the whole country. This when built with the splattered blood of the inconvenient will be seen from space. That or I could get eaten by starving unemployed librarian cannibals.

There are just so many interesting fates that this new era presents.

So yes I'm optimistic that my current position of subsistence on food stamps will suddenly end, and I'll then have a very interesting time of it