Friday, April 13, 2018


As I think I mentioned I may go to the beach tomorrow,...or the next day. This assuming it don't rain snow sleet or any other surprises. Like that late Blizzard, see above, that came out'a nowhere a few weeks ago.

'Thinking of taking the bullet hole riddled Blessed "D" Train to Coney Island. I'll pack my own lunch. Cheaper by 12,000% percent. I ain't spending six bucks on a fucking hot dawg or burger.

I need the sun wind, and aroma of fermented diesel oil!

That, and folks in a good mood around me for a change. Those likely lads above will still be in class till June,...I can wait. My intentions are honorable I assure any cops tuned in. At my age anything else would give me a stroke.

I have a volume of collected high brow s/f stories by Ursula LeGuin. Hot dawgs made by my own shaky hands. Lemonade, and my Senior Citizen's travel card.
Who could ask for more,...well I could, but what's the point.


Anonymous said...

The only SiFi I read is that by Samuel R. "Chip" Delany.
Take his book "Hogg" to the beach with you when those boys are around.

uncle1950uncle said...

I was, and still am a serious "Dhalgren" fan.

First read it 40+ years ago, useful now as then.